For 75+ years the Kappler Company has been delighting clients and patients with their stunning designs and elegant workflow efficiencies.
I'm proud to show my patients.
As an artist and practicing Dentist, I knew that great design is important. My new office combines beautiful design with industry leading quality and efficiency. Now, I have an office that will last a lifetime.
Wow Factor
"As a successful Dentist, time is a precious. When I began process of building my new office, I wanted a design where every piece had a purpose, had efficiency at its core, and inspired a 'wow factor' from patients. Now I have an office design that is state of the art and globally recognized! I could not be more happy.
Kappler helped me achieve my vision!
When I set out to find a dental office design team, I knew the look I wanted. It was not a look that was cookie cutter, but a modern, custom design where patients wanted to take a ‘selfie.’